What I cannot code-up, I do not understand

There you go! Paraphrasing Richard Feynman-- done! Google Summer of Code -- done!

I have gained valuable experience from the internship. Also, I hope to become a part of QuTiP soon.

The title of this post more or less sums up my experience from the program. This will be a poor man's version of Feynman's dying quotes(on his blackboard!)
"What I cannot create, I do not understand"
"Know how to solve every problem that has been solved."

With some awesome guidance from my mentors, I have been able to simulate some very well known concepts of lattice physics. Recreating a problem gives me an immense satisfaction as well as the confidence of understanding a problem inside out. I have never been in the elite bracket of physicists who can solve any problem on a piece of paper or a board. I am a computational person. So, to me redoing a problem means coding it up on a computer.

I daresay, the list of problems that I believe to understand well has grown considerably through this internship. The examples I recreated, will hopefully be a part of QuTiP's repository soon.

I dunno whoever ever read my blog. But, drop me a line, if you liked any part of it.


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