A highlight of my childhood is the adventures of Professor Shonku, a timeless creation of Satyajit Ray. The first short story that tells the tale of the discovery of the diary of Professor Shonku is titled "Byom Yatrir Diary" that translates into the title of my blog. If you are reading this blog out of curiosity for how some fascinating functions for quantum entanglement and topological quantization were developed, then sit tight, you are in for a journey of a lifetime.
What I cannot code-up, I do not understand
There you go! Paraphrasing Richard Feynman-- done! Google Summer of Code -- done! I have gained valuable experience from the internship. Also, I hope to become a part of QuTiP soon. The title of this post more or less sums up my experience from the program. This will be a poor man's version of Feynman's dying quotes(on his blackboard!) "What I cannot create, I do not understand" "Know how to solve every problem that has been solved." With some awesome guidance from my mentors, I have been able to simulate some very well known concepts of lattice physics. Recreating a problem gives me an immense satisfaction as well as the confidence of understanding a problem inside out. I have never been in the elite bracket of physicists who can solve any problem on a piece of paper or a board. I am a computational person. So, to me redoing a problem means coding it up on a computer. I daresay, the list of problems that I believe to understand well has grown con...
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